Faces of the Moon
Yes people! All the pictures of the Moon in this picture have been taken by meee! My first ever Lunar Eclipse! The first that I actually saw with my own two eyes :D. From the moment it was a big round ball, to the time when only its outline was visible. Heh, I was fascinated enough to watch the entire masking of the Moon, but not enough to watch the entire unveiling, so the last three pictures are the only ones I captured before I finally went to sleep :)
*Moment shared with B , through a phone conversation*
Labels: Lunar eclipse
That was one LONG moment. Too long. I needed to sleep! :P
waah ji waah
time for me to show off (hahaha)
(sorry for being obnoxious)
here is MY moon
Pffffft! You showed off that already! Can't reuse! :D
Ess, with your steady hand and my camera's 12x optical zoom, we can show H a thing or two! What say you? :D
"With your powers combined..."
Hahahahah! Good one H! But thats the best my 3.5 MP, given to me by my uncle is capable of :P Hehe and i am not anywhere near your league bhai!
Awesome picture you have there :D! But its not an eclipse, nenenen! hehe
*zaban charhaofies!*
Ooh enabled again. Was I too late? :P
I had changed it even before you reached office that day, so there was no need
Yes, helps that you didn't tell me and I rushed over nonetheless. :P
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